Affirmation to Use During Your Break Up

We see the term affirmations bouncing around the Internet a lot. Affirmations are typically an “I am” statement that helps reinforce something positive in us or something that we’re striving for. They can be used to help us change our mindset towards our body, towards money, towards our career, and I also believe they can be super valuable in break ups. 

Break ups can really do a number on our perspective, they make our entire world look extremely dark and take away our positivity and faith for the future. That’s why affirmations can be such a valuable tool in helping shift that perspective. 

You can utilize the affirmations below in a couple different ways- traditionally they’re said outloud so you can hear yourself saying them, but my favorite way is to write them down every morning in my journal. The key to this is consistency, I would also write them down on a post it note and stick it at my desk so I can see it all day. Take some time to figure out what works for you. 

Last note: Some of these might not feel “genuine” to you, meaning you don’t believe them yet. That’s ok! That’s another great way to use affirmations to help you “act as if” you believe these things until your heart catches up. 


21 Affirmations when you’re going through a break up

I trust that this will pass. 

I did my best in my last relationship. 

I know that one day I will see this as a blessing in disguise.

I accept my feelings as they are. 

I accept this break up for what it is. 

I know that I will be in the most beautiful relationship someday. 

I am ok, I am safe. 

I am loved, loving, and lovable. 

Only I can determine my worth. 

I have so much to be grateful for. 

My heart will heal. 

I am so deserving of a loving relationship. 

I forgive myself. 

I trust that I am taken care of. 

I am allowing myself to let go. 

I take care of myself. 

I give myself permission to heal. 

I am worthy of love. 

I am enough. 

I trust this is happening exactly as it should. 

I am strong and powerful. 

I release what doesn’t serve me. 

Feel free to tweak these as you wish! This is totally your process and I hope you’ll start incorporating an affirmations practice into your daily routine! It might feel really strange at first but it will feel more and more natural as you practice.