30 Day No Contact Challenge
Are you finding it impossible to not reach out to your ex?
Are you constantly obsessing about whether or not you should text your ex?
Because you’re not contacting your ex are you obsessively checking their social media every day?
Unfortunately these things all come with the territory of a break up, however there is SO much evidence that going through a break up practicing the No Contact Rule is so pivotal in successfully letting go of your ex.
This is why I created the No Contact Challenge, to help you navigate the next 30 days without reaching out to your ex AND to help you with those obsessive thoughts and temptations on wanting to contact them. The number one thing my audience struggles with is No Contact so I created this program to give you everything you need to do it with guidance and support.
The No Contact Challenge is a 30 Day Program that will not only help you not reach out to your ex by giving you ALL the tools and accountability but it will also give you everything you need to feel at peace about it.
I know you’re ready to stop obsessing over your ex and:
Let go of the anxiety on whether or not you’re going to hear from your ex
Get some perspective on your relationship so you’re not constantly missing the “idea” of your ex
Putting all of your energy into what your ex is up to instead of investing that energy into yourself
Take back your power and self esteem
You will get all of this and more by making this investment into yourself!
When you join the No Contact Challenge you will receive the following:
A guidebook with all the tools to get through the next 30 days
Daily emails for accountability and support
30 Day No Contact Digital Journal with daily quotes to track your progress and stay accountable to yourself
We’ll cover:
Why does the No Contact Rule work?
No Contact Contract
How to deal with missing your best friend
What to do instead of texting your ex
Detox Your Ex Checklist
Seeing a break up as one day at a time
What to do if your ex contacts you
What to do if you slip and contact them
What to do if you miss your ex
Maintaining your power
and more!
And you get ALL of this, for only $25!!
Less than $1 a day for peace of mind and freedom from obsessing over your ex.
If you’ve been attempting the No Contact Rule and not having success or are curious about the No Contact Rule this is going to be the challenge for you. You don’t have to go through this process alone!
Have questions? Email team@breakupbestie.com