Are you ready to find peace again and fully let go of your ex?
Breakthrough Your Break Up
Are you finally ready to let go of your ex?
I know how frustrating it is when months have passed after your break up and you still feel STUCK. Thoughts of your ex still fill your mind and it feels like you’re constantly taking one step forward but two steps back. All you’re craving is PEACE, you want to be able to walk away from this break up with a sense of freedom and you want to say you’re finally over your ex.
I created Breakthrough Your Break Up to do just that. It will help walk you through the later stages of healing from your break up. So you can heal the anger you still feel, be able to forgive yourself, stop focusing on the could have’s and should have’s, so you can finally move on with your life.
Does this sound like you?
💔 Months and months have passed yet you still can’t let go of your ex
💔 You still feel anger and resentment towards your ex that keeps you thinking about them
💔 You’re romanticizing the relationship and therefore still missing your ex daily
💔 You notice this last relationship is part of a pattern for you and don’t know why you keep repeating it
💔 You’re beating yourself up for the “could have’s and should have’s” in the relationship
If you answered yes to these questions, this course is for YOU. Breakthrough Your Break Up will give you all the tools and guidance you need to move on with peace of mind and freedom from your heartbreak.
After the pain begins to subside after a break up, most of us don't take the time to sit and process the feelings from the break up and we don't take the time to recognize the lessons that came out of it. I started finding that I would date the exact same person over and over again only with a different name OR I would continue to go back to my ex and we got stuck in a painful cycle of break ups. In this course we're going to work through this relationship so you can learn all the lessons and work through all of your feelings in an effective way.
In this mini course I will walk you through:
Why It's so Important to Process
How to Make Peace with Your Break Up
Recognize Your Patterns
Letting Go Of Resentments
The Power of Anger
Self Love + Self Forgiveness
and more!
When you purchase Breakthrough Your Break Up you’ll instantly get:
7 video lessons taught by me
A digital workbook full of exercises, support and accountability tools
My 90 Day Digital Break Up Journal to help you start and end each day with support.
Get ALL of this for only $49!
What is your emotional well-being and peace of mind worth to you?? I know you’re likely already spending money trying to heal your heart- whether it’s with ice cream, shopping, or going out with friends- wouldn’t it make sense to invest in something that will bring REAL healing instead of a temporary distraction from the break up?