Are you ready to start moving on towards a happier and healthier relationship?
Moving On After Heartbreak
Are you scared to move into a new relationship post break up?
Don’t worry you’re not alone. After going through so much pain during a break up, it can cause a lot of fear of getting hurt again when getting back into dating which can prevent you from moving forward.
Let’s help you move through that fear.
All relationships and break ups are huge learning experiences and they can give us really valuable lessons about our relationship patterns, beliefs about ourselves, and what kind of qualities we want in a partner. Often times we just don’t take the time to prepare and reflect on our past so we can start dating in productive and safe way. So instead of jumping right back into dating Moving On After Heartbreak can give you all the tools to start moving forward in a way that serves you.
Does this sound like you?
💔 You feel like you’ve healed from the pain of the break up but are scared to move forward
💔 You don’t know what you truly want in a partner
💔 Because of your past you feel nervous that you’ll make the same mistakes again
💔 You feel like you can’t find someone as good as your ex
💔 You’ve never taken the time to examine what you really want out of a relationship
If you answered yes to these questions, this course is for YOU. Moving On After Heartbreak will walk you through everything you need to do to go into dating feeling confident.
Not only will this course help you finally move forward from the pain of your break up but will also help you reflect on all the lessons you’ve learned from past relationships so you can make the best decisions for yourself. You deserve an amazing relationship and I want to help you feel confident when you go out and try to find that.
In this mini course I will walk you through:
How to Make Peace With Your Past
Design Your Dream Relationship
How to Attract the Right Person
Elevating Your Self Esteem
Commitment to Non-Negotiables
How to Show Up For Yourself in Relationships
and more!
When you purchase Moving On After Heartbreak you’ll instantly get:
6 video lessons taught by me
A digital workbook full of exercises, support and accountability tools
My 90 Day Digital Break Up Journal to help you start and end each day with support.
Get ALL of this for only $49!
What is your emotional well-being and peace of mind worth to you?? I know you’re likely already spending money trying to heal your heart- whether it’s with ice cream, shopping, or going out with friends- wouldn’t it make sense to invest in something that will bring REAL healing instead of a temporary distraction from the break up?