How to get support from Break Up Bestie


Want my help through your break up?

There are a variety of ways to seek help from Your Break Up Bestie ranging from a quick question all the way to 1:1 video coaching. Find your best fit below.


Want step by step guidance through your break up?

The Heal Your Break Up Course bundle will take you through my entire healing process from beginning to end with 24 video lessons, a workbook, and my 90 Day Break Up Journal.

Not sure how to start feeling better right after your break up?

My Break Up Emergency First Aid Kit will be the best option for you! In this mini course I’ll walk you through how to start the healing process so you can start feeling better in a time of intense pain.

Stuck on not contacting your ex or stalking their social?

My 30 Day No Contact Challenge gives you all of the motivation, tools, and support to jumpstart your healing process and create the space you need for your heart to heal by practicing the No Contact Rule.

Stuck on not being able to process and let go of your feelings?

Breakthrough Your Break Up will be the perfect course for you if you’re feeling like you haven’t been able to let go your ex. In it we’ll dig into the relationship and your leftover feelings to give you the tools and perspective to have peace about the break up.

Scared to start moving on or scared to get hurt again?

In Moving On After Heartbreak we’ll take all of the lessons you learned from this break up, as well as your past relationships to give you the insights and accountability to find a happier and healthier relationship that feels true to you.

Have a quick question for Kendra or need a pep talk to remind you things are going to be ok?

Kendra uses a service called HeyHero where you can ask a question or ask for any kind of pep talk for only $20. You can ask for a video you can watch when you want to text your ex, ask about your particular situation, or just something you can watch on your down days. You can watch these videos as many times as you want.


Want 1:1 coaching with Kendra?

I offer 1:1 video coaching over Zoom in limited quantities. If you are interested in learning more, you can apply at the link below.


Have questions?

If you’re not sure what is going to be right for you and your situation you can reach out to Kendra on Instagram or at and we’ll help match you with the right product or service!